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B2B module



Users will log into the Store using their personal Credentials.
Once users are logged in, the User API Service will return all related information to the user.

The following image shows a typical user/organization structure:

Image Structure

The above structure, we should be able to view it in the top header at all times:


B2B Business Logic


👉 Logged Users belongs to organizations
(User could belong to multiple organizations.) (Ex. Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft)
👉 Each organizations has sub-organizations.
(For Google, it could be like: Youtube, Google Cloud, Android, etc)
👉 Each sub-organizations can have different Cost Centers
(For Youtube, it could be like: Finance, IT Department, HR Department, etc).

Shipping Address

👉 Each Sub-Organization can have different Shipping Address.\


For each user, we will need to the following data, which should be fetchend from the User API Service

User First Name
User Last Name
User RUT (primary key)
User email

Organizations (aka: "Solicitante")


⚠️ Pending: User/Organization relation key.

For Organizations, we will need the following data:

Organization Name
Organization RUT
Organization Address
Organization SAP ID
Organization DCCP ID

Sub-Organization (aka: "Destinatario")


⚠️ Pending: Organization/Sub-Organization relation key.

For Sub-Organizations, we will need the following data:

Sub-Organization Name
Sub-Organization RUT
Sub-Organization Address
Sub-Organization SAP ID
Sub-Organization DCCP ID

Cost Centers (aka: "Unidad de Compra")


⚠️ Pending: Sub-Organization/Cost Center relation key.

For Cost Centers, we will need the following data:

Cost Center Name
Cost Center DCCP ID
Cost Center DIPRES ID

Shipping Address (aka: "Puerto de descarga")

For each Shipping Address, we will need:

Street Name
Street Number
Region (or State)
Comuna (or County)
Phone Number
Shipping Address Contact First Name
Shipping Address Contact Last Name
Shipping Address Contact Email
Shipping Adresss Contact Phone Number